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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Hopefully not brought to you by Geiko

Say, hypothetically, that the corporate-sponsored Capitol Hill Block Party didn't completely satisfy your need to feel like being at an actual block party, to actually be a part of your neighborhood, and instead made you feel part of a herd of cattle. Well, there's a solution. I heard about it from Chumley:

A flyer on a neighboring street filled me in. Apparently it's a pot luck. And music and entertainment will be provided, though there's no telling what that might entail. Probably not Spoon though. Oh well. Seems fun. I don't think this technically is my neighborhood, because I live on the other side of Olive. But I'm seriously considering going. I haven't decided if my cooking is up to "pot luck" standards yet.

Tuesday August 7 at 5pm, on Howell Street between Bellevue and Olive.