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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Public toilet no longer?

Our public vessel of crime, er toilet, may be going away. It sounds like a reasonable plan for the city given the $800K yearly maintenance costs and the fact that they aren’t exactly being used as intended.

Actually, given that ours is located in the lot of a vacant building, I’m not sure how Seattle City intended it to be used in the first place. There isn’t much of a reason to walk past it unless you’re on your way somewhere else… a somewhere else with a nicer bathroom to boot. (Note: Excluding bathrooms in bars on Pike/Pine.)

At first I was concerned that taking away this public bathroom would cause our alleys to become bathrooms instead. But then I remembered that our alleys are already bathrooms… specifically the one behind Half Price Books where I see people defecating at least once a month in broad daylight.

Maybe this will push the crime to the public toielts in Cal Anderson?