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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Canabalism on Capitol Hill

Here's a neighborhood tale involving accidental ingestion of human remains. A sample of what you're in for:
Covered in a layer of uniformly baked grey human ash, I walked home. Thankfully it was near, since the cake of ash on my body was very thick, and I was very nearly at the point of vomiting for most of the trip to the shower. One other factor saved me what small amount of dignity I allow myself - since Capitol Hill was also Seattle’s homeless punk youth and heroin/crank/crystal neighborhood, there were people at least as bizarre-looking as I walking down the street with their children and a bag of bagels, or some homeless 24-year old with a tattoo on their forehead that simply says “Drunk.” Nobody really paid me any attention. And if I had vomited, I would hardly have gained additional attention.